It came in a facebook message in my inbox - the words my anxious heart needed to hear.
I will lie down and sleep in peace, for you alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety.
A sweet friendship has been slowly brewing with the author of the message. The empathy in her words whispered healing to my anxiety, and when I read her closing sentences I choked back tears.
But when I read this verse, I claimed it a bit... for you... if that makes sense. "Lord, let Tiffany lie down and sleep in peace, for you, Oh Lord, will keep her child in your safe and loving arms."
She knew of my battle with insomnia, but more than that she understood the root of my insomnia.
After that message and reading those words and dwelling on the Scripture she had shared with me and having my husband pray for me last night after sharing my anxieties with him....
I slept.
Like. A. Baby.
And friends let me tell you it was momentous. {grin}
(If you are not familiar with Momentous Monday please click here to learn more.)
Oh, Tiffany- I am sitting here crying! Isn't our God wonderful?
How wonderful !!! God works in wonderous ways.
Have a great Monday !!
Love when God uses a verse to speak life into our hearts!!!!
Amy @ Things & Stuff
Tiffany, I just wanted to thank you so much for praying for me every morning while I was in Peru. It is such an awesome thing for me to know that people I don't really "know" in real life are still praying for me. It is an incredible thing for me to see how the prayer life works.
Also, will you please tell your sister that Kaylen is possibly the cutest name ever! I absolutely love it! : )
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