Dear Scotty,
It is hard for me to fathom the fact that it has been a year since I kissed the downy jet black (yes jet black {grin}) hair, of yours - my first baby boy. You stole my heart away the moment you were placed on my chest, and continue to entwine yourself deeper and deeper into my heart strings. It has been a joy and honor to mommy you this past year, and I am so blessed.
I didn't know how having a boy would completely turn me upside down. My mama bear tendencies have been peaked. I desire for you to grow up into a godly man, a leader, a man after God's own heart, but I also desire for you to be sensitive and compassionate and kind. I want you to love God with your everything and to love your family above what this world offers. I want you to be like your daddy. It seems as if we have years ahead to prepare for this, but I know they will come altogether too quickly. I want to hold on lightly and not smother you, like I fear will be my tendency with such a sweet boy.
You have amazed me this past year, with your easy mannerisms, quick smiles, pleasant personality, and eager to please ways. You followed in your big sister's foot steps and slept through the night very quickly. You have been an easy baby, so easy that Mommy and Daddy already desire to give you a sibling! {grin}You eat like it is your job, and entertain our camp staff with your hand over fist maneuvers. Scotty, you are easily entertained and content to watch those around you. You are a little shyer than Sissy was at this age, but still can charm the ladies like no other baby boy I have ever seen.
You have the best smile and the brightest blue eyes that melt me everyday. Your feet are chubby and small, just barely filling out your size one shoes. I love how you hold your feet to my lips at diaper changes just begging for Mommy to kiss the chubby goodness. Your newest achievement of waving bye-bye delights me to no end. It is the cutest thing I have ever seen! I love how determined you have been the past few weeks in getting your chubby, short legs to crawl. You have finally mastered the "wounded soldier" crawl and are so pleased with yourself.
This year has gone far too fast. It feels as if just yesterday I was breathing in your newborn smell, and today you are my bright eyed beautiful one year old on the brink of toddler hood. Mommy has bittersweet feelings today. However the memories from your first year as a baby are forever written on my heart. I look forward to this next year with you, and I pray for God's continued protection for all of your days. I love you Prescott Byron. You will always be my sweet, sweet boy.
Love, Mommy
Looks like it was a great day!
Tiffany! Your love for your children amazes me. I only hope that I can love my children the same way that you love yours. You are a great mother and your children are so blessed to have you. I can't wait to watch your children grow up! It has been such a privilege to be apart of their young lives...
He is super precious!!!
Your pictures are beautiful! I love them.
What a precious post =] beautiful and fun photos!
He is SOOOO cute - I really want to squeeze his belly!!!! :) I can't believe his feet are only size one!!! That's so funny! :)
oh, i love love LOVE these pictures~ i'm partial to the name scott .. it's my big brother's name, and i called him scotty growing up! :) great theme for the party too ~ so fuN !!
amber (hutch5@xanga)
Beautiful post! I can never get over how cute your son is, and how great your photography is!
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