Luke 14:26 says If anyone comes to me and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be my disciple. Those are some pretty hard words to swallow. But what Jesus is saying is that we should love Him so much that all of our other relationships pale in comparison and look like hate next to our love for God and His Son.
Over and over on my blog I have emphasized family and my children, and in doing so I fear there is a danger to emphasizing this one thing to the exclusion of other things. And I do not want this to be so. I do not want anyone to read my blog or to speak to me and get the idea that placing family over God is okay, because that is just not so. I see a dangerous trend happening in homeschooling families, and God has been opening my eyes to it. I am thankful for that. This post is not written to condemn or judge others, I cannot see the intent of hearts. I am merely sharing what I have outwardly seen and what God has been convicting me of in my own life lately.
Whatever is most important to us becomes our god.
Even good things, wonderful things can turn into sin when they become our ultimate. When this happens they have become our idol -they have become our god. Yes, even our family. There is an enemy walking this world seeking to devour our souls. He will use any means possible to deceive us to trick us. He will even use good things such as our family - our mates - our children. I believe Satan has really been attacking home schooling families. Think about it. He knows how very important family is to those that home school (And please don't think I am suggesting it is not important to those that don't. That is not the point of this.), for most of us that is a big factor in why we chose home schooling. If Satan can trick us into making our family our god, we had better believe that he will!
Matthew 10:37 speaks very strongly about this very thing. He who loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me; and he who loves son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me.
Is not worthy of God - did you catch that? Does that make your heart beat a little fast?
In the past I have put my focus on and pride in my family. According to the Bible though this is sin. I agree that Christian families need to be strengthened. I believe that there is a breakdown of godly families in America. But we must choose to use discretion and not elevate or prioritize our family more than God.
Mark 12:28-30 Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.
Luke 11:28 … blessed are those who hear the word of God, and observe it.
I don't know about you, but I do not want my children being raised thinking that our family is a priority over God. I desire for God to be my first priority and for my children to see this. Now I am just working out how and what needs to change.

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