So this is where we are at - please remember that we have not necessarily had this many people per say donate, as some have donated far more than $100 and some have donated less, and we are also including in this figure our own money that we have saved. But for an easy way to understand we have just made each $100 equal 1 person.
We are now at 133!!
That means that we are almost halfway there. We continue to pray that God would lead 167 more people to us who would feel led to be a part of our journey and donate $100 towards our adoption. That number doesn't seems so humongous anymore! If God lays our need on your heart, you can use our chip-in on the right hand side of my blog or email me at (amomentcherished(at)gmail(dot)come for our address.) Please don't feel pressured to give. This is not a post to guilt you into paying for our adoption. This isn't really even about us. It's about allowing God to use us so that He is glorified.
If you are unable to give financially or already have, please pray for our sweet baby boy whom we have named Jameson - which means son of James (my husband's name is James). We will call him Jamesy. His middle name we will keep as his given Ethiopian name, and we will share it with you all when we pass court and can legally do so. We debated about changing his name, but we finally concluded that his adoption into our family is a life changing event, and we are using God's example in the Bible of changing a person's name after a life changing event. However, we do want to keep as much of his Ethiopian heritage a part of him as we can, and honestly we love his given name and its meaning! So that is how we ultimately decided on a new name for his first and his given name for the middle.
Here is how you can pray specifically for our beautiful baby boy. At this time we are still unable to share on any public online forum such as this what Jamesy's medical needs are. He has two big ones, and God knows all about them. We really desire to get him home as soon as possible so that he can receive some excellent medical care. Our agency has been wonderful in working with us. They agree that Jamesy needs to get home quickly as well. We have been given permission to send our dossier to AWAA at the same time that we send it to USCIS, and it is possible that we could get a court date prior to having that final approval and set of fingerprints. (We will, however, have to have that approval prior to our second trip and passing embassy in order to bring Jamesy home.) So this speeds things up even more for us - eek! We are very close to having our dossier completed. It should be in the mail next week. I am guessing and praying that is true, anyway. I cannot believe how fast this is happening. It has taken us about 3 months to do both our home study and compile our dossier. This is very fast if you are not familiar with adoption. Will you pray with us that we would be able to get the remaining funds needed to fund this adoption and our two trips to Ethiopia and that God would allow us to be in our home as a family of five by Christmas? That is my biggest heart's desire right now. We had originally assumed that we would not be bringing our son home until close to next Christmas, and had anticipated financing this based on that. God is in control, though. I now know that this is why we have felt such a sense of urgency in this process, and although our summer was insanely busy I am so glad we pushed through. God is so good to us.
Again you have no idea what an encouragement you all are to our family. It is amazing how many of you now are a connected dot in our story and journey to bring Jamesy home as our son. Thank you.
You are making a huge difference in our lives, and especially in the life of a very special little boy who has completely stolen our hearts. We are forever grateful and indebted to you.