For a snow storm that would snow us in.

I know many people do not enjoy the snow, and I get that. I really do. Driving in it is not fun. It is cold, it is wet, it can be dreary. It takes much longer to get everyone bundled up to go out and undressed and cleaned up to come in. It's not as easy getting out of the house as it is in the summer. But to me the memories made with my children are so fun and so worth the extra effort!

For me, as long as we have no where to go, and none of my loves are driving I enjoy a good snow storm. I love how bright my house is. The light reflects off the white snow and shines in all of my windows making my home so warm, so cheery, so inviting. Even last night our room was glowy with the moon reflecting off the white snow.

I like the suspense of whether or not the forecast will come true. I like the magic that seems to come with a snow day. I loved snow days as a child, and come on let's be honest I loved snow days as a teacher. I still have my snow flake pin that we teachers wore at the first school I taught at to bring us snow days!

Can I tell you a secret? I even love shoveling!
There is something so wonderful about waking up to a blanket of snow. I love making a big deal out of it by having slow mornings and making extra special breakfasts, drinking coffee, and just enjoying the time spent together as a family.

My children really enjoyed their pumpkin chocolate chip waffles this morning. (Recipe to come in an upcoming post!)

Of course there is always a bit more silliness when Daddy joins us!

I had been waiting all winter to introduce Scotty to snow. He did not enjoy it at first as much as I expected!

I realized the poor boy has no boots either! So he wore sneakers and a pair of my wool socks - worked like a charm!
He eventually warmed up to the idea of snow and had a great time.

Daddy helped the children build a six foot snowman! They are going to be featured in our local paper!

We got so much snow it covered my knees and was nearly up to Jim's knees - about 20 inches of the beautiful fluffy white goodness!

My heart is happy for the little reprieve from daily life and thinking about the vote this Sunday. This is just what our family needed!

And now I am going to enjoy the last few moments of our snow day. I think I am {almost} ready for spring!