Our decorations are nothing elegant, spectacular, or expensive. They are a hodge podge from years gone by. Some are older than we are, some are heirlooms with much more sentimental value than monetary value, some were cast offs found buried in old boxes at yard sales, many I made from scraps I picked up and collected, some were gifts, and very few were purchased brand new by us.
I really like country kitchen themed trees. I am still sad over the fact that we cannot get our real tree until right before Christmas, because of Scotty's allergies, but was happy to move around the two little trees that are a part of our normal every day decor and make them festive.

A lot of my Christmas decor is really just every day decor moved to a different location and lit - like this little sign that I painted a few years back. Nothing really Christmasy about it, and it isn't really a kitchen sign, but I still liked it here. {grin} I always use a lot of lights all year round. I like my home softly lit and glowy - it is homey and romantic. At Christmas, I just kick it up a notch and add more lighting. I try not to light our home until evening falls to save on electricity, but if I know company is coming Jim has a running joke about watching me scurry all over our little home plugging in this and turning on that. I just feel like the lighting is a nice, welcoming touch. It puts me at ease, and I hope it does my guests as well.

(I know, I know - still NO window treatments on my kitchen windows. {sigh} Maybe next week??)
Again this rustic ladder resides in my home all year round. I just decorated it differently, added some lights and changed its location. It is one of my favorites this year. The couch next to the ladder is "my couch". It is where I curl up with my journal, a cookbook, crocheting or a mug of tea in the evenings. "Jim's chair" is beside me on the other side. And that crocheted blanket is my absolute favorite. Someday I will blog its story.

Here is my second tree. This one usually resides in our bedroom, but I decided it should be added to the living room for Christmas. We are not going to have our live tree in here this year, as I am not in the mood to figure out how to make it fit. Rather our live tree will be placed in the dining room. Hopefully that will be okay with Scotty's allergies.

I really love the crows in this tree. I found these more than 50% off at AC Moore this summer. They have already been displayed all over in my home. I think they will land in the downstairs bathroom or my kitchen after Christmas. {grin}

Another rustic ladder, but I didn't change the location or add lights. I left the decorations up that are always on it, added some old ripped fabric and knit prim stockings.

A lot of my decorating is just little touches tucked here and there. Nothing elaborate - just simple.

A simple Christmas countdown made from scrapping paper and an old cookie sheet.

A basket of Christmas books is kept out all December so that my children can freely sit and look at them. I also have a basket filled with a play nativity set that Cadi is free to play with while Scotty naps. (The pieces are a bit too small for him to handle.)

I thought Cadi would enjoy a touch of Christmas in her room this year.

Our Christmas tree will go next to this hutch, which again is mainly filled with everyday things that I have added a Christmasy touch to.

Flickering candles make me so happy. {grin}

This is one of my favorite pieces. Jim found it last year at a school auction. It is old and rugged and perfect. I usually store crafting supplies and paper products in here, but I had to open it up for Christmas. It was just begging to be made as a focal point to our dining room. (I hope to get this piece painted black and sanded to look even more worn. I am thinking about painting the inside of the doors mustard.)

This bottom section will hold our Christmas cards this year.

This manger scene has quite a story. It was made by my great grandpa, and it was displayed in their home for years. My great grandma painted all the ceramic pieces that go with it. I brought to our family a tradition from my childhood. Each night in December - leading up to Christmas - Cadi picks one of the wrapped ceramic pieces that goes with the nativity set. She then displays it however she wants to. On Christmas Eve she will finally pick baby Jesus and display him in the manger. It was one of my favorite childhood memories from Christmas, and it is so sweet to be able to not only pass the tradition on but use this special vintage set. (Yes so far she has picked two camels!)

I enjoyed giving you a brief tour of our home. Now I am one of "those" women who also decorates her bathrooms for Christmas. {grin} This year I only decorated one of three - our downstairs guest bathroom. Does anyone else do that?
I love to see Christmas decoration and the creativity of others. Let me know if you post any photos of your home. Mine is very kid friendly, but I do love the elegant Christmas style of some, as well as traditional and vintage. It is so much fun to see how people incorporate their style into Christmas decor. What is your style of Christmas decorating? Is it beginning to look a lot like Christmas in your home?

Beautiful decorations - you have a lot! How do you keep Scotty out of them??? :)
Tiff - your home is beautiful - it makes me want to come over and have a cup of coffee with you - it is so cozy. You and I share the same decorating style - I love primitive! I don't have any pictures to share - with the baby coming and us leaving to go away for Christmas, we will be enjoying our families trees and decorations this year :-)
Beautiful home and beautiful decorations!! I am inspired to get going on my decorating (just the Christmas tree with lights is up..). My little boy and I will have to get working on decorating tomorrow. I don't know how much~fun an almost-1 year old will have with that! :-)
I love all of your decorations! I can't wait to see them in person :-) When I was a little girl, one of my favorite Christmas memories was my mom decorating my room for Christmas! I had lights around my bed and everything. I could have them on when I was in there but not when I went asleep. But when it was Christmas Eve, she would let me leave them on all night long to welcome in the day! I love love love that you decorated Cadi's room!! I hope that she enjoys your special touches in her room the way I enjoyed mine!!
Wow you have so many cute decorations. I have to really start to collect them now :)Beautiful!
I think your decorations are amazing! I am hoping to get my decorations up this weekend. My plans slowed down with a sick kiddo though. I at least want to get my Willow Tree nativity up. (Seen yours, love Willow Tree) My fav decor was your ladder with the garland and ice skates hanging off it.
Your home so looks beautiful, cozy, and Christmasy! I love the rustic ladder and have to say that the basket of books is funny because I did this exact same thing today. Great minds think alike, I guess!
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