Daddy and I thought that we were going to make a big step in your direction this week. However, we ended up needing brake work on our vehicle. Sometimes it makes me angry that money stands between us and you. I know God is working this all for good, though. I can see His hand. Baby, you are changing the world before you even come into it! You are at least changing our world - opening our eyes to our narcissism, selfishness, materialism, making our heart beat out a different rhythm.
There is so much I long to say, but I am having trouble typing through my tear filled eyes and concentrating with the big lump throbbing in my throat. Please know that Daddy and Mommy are coming. I loved you before I met you. I loved you the first moment you were whispered into my ear and at the very first stitch into my heart. God has big plans for you, baby. I cannot wait to see them unfold. I cannot believe that I will be able to witness them and watch the Maker unfold your story, and that it will mingle with our story.
Until we bring you home,
All my Love,
What a heart wrenching post. Your desire alone will make it happen, in spite of life's many obstacles.
My prayers are with you and your family... God will provide comfort and spiritual blessings. Trust in Him. :)
What a beautiful post, I am glad I happened upon it.
so precious~
adoption is something close to our hearts too. will be praying for you on this journey. can't wait to meet the sweet one who's waiting for you...
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