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Sunday, May 20, 2012

.Days 19 & 20 of 7.

I didn't post last night, because we did not get home until very late. Truth be told I was too tired to think of anything coherent to string together here. Jim and I also had not eaten dinner, so we were starving. Last night we were doing this.


It was Cadi's year end award ceremony and carnival for Classical Conversations. It was such a fun night! I cannot believe all of the time end energy that was poured into the night - from carnival decorations, to cotton candy, root beer floats, picnic foods, a clown, a little portrait studio with silly props,a mini-field day with all kinds of realy events and on and on. My children had a blast! Typically for CC on Mondays we only see the grade school kiddos, but last night we got to see the entire CC group (4 year olds up to seniors). There were a lot of us! I so love seeing the teenage kids. They are fantastic kids, and I am very excited to have my children grow up in this program. I was blown away with a portion of the high school students' final exam displayed for the evening - the entire world, drawn and labeled from memory. I am so geography challenged, and I thought that was amazing! So that is where we were last night. I am very, very thankful for this wonderful home school community. I haven't the words to describe how much it has meant to me this year - although I am trying to in a post that I have had drafted for a few weeks! Hopefully, I will publish that soon. It's my thoughts and review of our first year with CC.

The 7 fast continues. A little less than two weeks to go. We are ready to eat different food. It was hard being surrounded by so many yummy treats last night, but Jim and I held out. {grin} Tonight we made a family run to Walmart for a few groceries (you know sweet potatoes, apples, yogurt buhahaha - we stocked up on some stuff for the children, too - they are sick of chicken!!). Jim and I both had a moment of weakness and thought about just quitting early. However, we decided we have come this far, and it has been good. So we keep plugging along!

God has given us so much confirmation this weekend that we are doing the right thing regarding pursuing the visa for Habi. Jim and I really wavered Friday evening and wrestled with God about whether or not we were making the right choice. It seems foolish to spend so much money when he could very easily be denied the visa. Money that could probably be used to help him in other ways. We didn't want to have to ask for money, and we both feared what people might think and say behind our backs. But we kept coming back to the same thing. Habi needs a family, and God is asking us to step up and be that family for him - even if it doesn't look like an adoption. God is calling us to step out on the ledge in faith. Today's Sunday School lesson and sermon were both on this very thing. {Confirmation} And God has provided over half of what we need to pay the initial fee for the agency (they start working on Monday!). {More Confirmation} Then tonight in Walmart, there just "happened" to be size 16 wrangler jeans on sale for $3. Those are just a few of the ways God has confirmed in our hearts that this is what He is asking of us right now.

I have a lot more to say, but I am going to go snuggle on the couch with my hubby for our last night of cable.

To everyone that has donated to the Habtamu fund - thank you is not enough. Please know that God is using every penny for the sake of His glory. Thank you for entering into this story and for allowing God to use you to bless a sweet teenage boy in Ethiopia. May God bless you tenfold. Great is your reward in heaven. Please keep praying. I believe prayer is the only thing that can bring him home.


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