Blogging tips

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

.Homemade Kool-Aid Play Dough.

Now that Jamesy is receiving in-home therapies multiple times a week, I need to make sure that I have Scotty set up with an activity that will entertain him during this time, so that I can be present with the therapists. This has been tricky. Today I reached waaay back into my mom-brain, from years ago really, and pulled out an old tried and true play dough recipe.

For some reason my children seem to get way more excited over homemade play dough versus the store bought play-doh. Maybe it is the process of watching it being made, or maybe it is getting to play with A LOT of dough at once. I love this recipe because it makes soft pliable, brightly colored, lightly scented dough. This kept Scotty pretty entertained today. I made two batches - a blue raspberry scented one and a  orange scented one.


1 1/4 cups all-purpose flour (plus more for kneading)

1/4 cup salt

1 pkg.(6 g) Kool-Aid Unsweetened Drink Mix - any flavor

1 Tbsp. Cream of tartar

1 cup boiling water

1 1/2 Tbsp. oil


Mix first 4 ingredients in large bowl.

Add boiling water and oil; stir with fork 3 to 4 min. or until cooled.

Place on floured surface and knead until no longer sticky, adding additional flour as necessary (I added up to 1/4 Cup)

Repeat for each color you want to make.

Like I said we had two separate colors of dough to start with; by the end of the morning we had this new mustard color. {grin} This bothers Mommy way more than the littles, because the children do not seem to mind a bit! So it is what it is.


How is your week starting off friends?
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