I spend more time and energy on his hair than on my own.
I have mastered twist outs for him, and endured raised eyebrows from our very white, non black culture church when Jamesy appeared with his BIG head of hair. Ha!
I got a stomach ache over handing in Cadi's first quarterly report for homeschooling.
We are only just into her second quarter, and I can feel my perfectionsistic self-induced pressure rising with homeschooling.
I am nipping it in the bud, by surrendering it to Jesus.
One thing I have done is stopped writing lesson plans.
I have not written a lesson plan since Jim went to Ethiopia.
The world has not stopped, and school is getting done, and I can breathe easier.
I also have a few more hours in my week back.
I really only used the teacher manuals and not my lesson plans anyway. I was just caught up in "doing them" because it was the "right thing to do".
Classical Conversations could not be working any better for us.
Next year I think I am even going to scrap our spelling curriculum and handwriting curriculum (as much as I do LOVE them), and pull everything from CC in order to streamline and give me more flexibility.
We have been dreaming about growing our family again.
We have been enjoying the little family God has given us for now, but someone is missing or maybe two someones, three??!!
I am vowing to take a very relaxed approach to Christmas, but I am still trying to making it memorable and meaningful for our children.
I love Thanksgiving, and being intentional about thankfulness, but honestly I am one of those people that start dreaming of Christmas in September and kind of steamroll Thanksgiving.
Jamesy has been sleeping in our bed in the middle of the night a lot.
He is the best snuggler, and I fall asleep so easily with him spooned against me.
I was the mom who said I would NEVER cosleep with a child.
We are thinking of making a family closet and rearranging bedrooms.
I miss my sister and her family.
I love pinterest.
I have been doing so many crafts thanks to pinterest.
My children all have adorable Thanksgiving outfits thanks to pinterest.
Jim keeps calling me a "homeschool mom", especially when I tried to convince him that I needed to sew pants for my boys for Thanksgiving.
I am not sewing pants for the boys for Thanksgiving.
I still kind of want to.
I have not gone grocery shopping in three weeks.
The cupboards are bare.
But it is only because I have been lazy.
We are making due just fine with what we have.
I miss my husband when he is at work.
Lately I have been so, so thankful for the relationship we have, and I want to fight to preserve it.
Jim and I went on a mini date this Saturday!
I had much guilt about breaking our attachment plan four months early.
I had a dear friend kick my legalistic butt, and I am so glad that we got away for a few hours!
I miss Ethiopia - horns honking, donkeys braying, Amharic lilts, the smell of frankincense and coffee roasting....
I am giddy about going back in July.
I think about Habtamu everyday.
My memory card reader broke {again}, so I have no new photos to upload.
My husband did tons of laundry for me this weekend.
I still have to put it away.
Scotty's first Christmas ornament just came in the mail.
It's time for school and another cup of coffee.
All true.