This post was originally published on my old blog on February 23, 2006. Today I remember this moment, but at the same time I am intentional to capture the new moments for this day.
One of my favorite times as a Mommy is bath time. I just love bathing my chubby little girl. She is so happy while getting a bath. I love the smell of a clean baby and the feel of soft satiny baby skin. I love sweet-smelling, silky baby hair that swirls around in a wispy halo on baby's head. I love the fresh miniature bottom, cleaned and ready to be diapered, the ten tiny toes, wrinkled and wiggly. I love the beads of water droplets that stick to her long, dark lashes, that give her that fresh face appearance. I love when my sweet smelling, toweled baby, curls her warm little body into mine, and nuzzles her head into my neck, cooing and blowing raspberries. I love how my little one looks in her yellow hooded ducky towel - truly a bathing beauty. I love the special bonding time we share while lotioning her little body from top to bottom - the smell- so sweet. I love when she is all dressed and is sleepy from her bath. The groggy smile, just for Mommy, melts my heart, and her droopy eyes make me smile. Dear God, thank you for these tender moments with my tiny daughter. Help me not to take these everyday miracles for granted, may I always remember bath time with my baby, and cherish each moment as a special memory to be preserved in my heart forever. . . . .I am blessed.