He also took Scotty to the ER late last night, as he has been very ill. Scotty is doing better today, and we are praying that what seems to be a very nasty virus will run its course and get out of our house.

Taken last night. We were trying to get a good photo of the welts and rash breaking out all over Scotty, so that we could get advice from Jim's Mom. With his 104 degree fever and weird rash/welts the hospital was a must.
But he is looking much better today and getting lots of snuggle time.

He is truly one of the sweetest boys. Jim said he charmed all of the hospital staff last night, and insisted on bringing a sticker home for his big sister.

I mentioned that I had been re-researching Jamesy's hair care as we attempt to grow it out. Jim envisions Jamesy's hair looking like the little brown girl's hair in the photo someday.

We have a little way to go. But he is so cute!

The boys wearing Jamesy's sleep caps.

We finally have a "Baby's First Christmas" ornament for Scotty. Ha!

We've been homeschooling (love her fashion sense!).

Scotty has developed a great love for play-doh, and enjoys his "school time".

We have had a lot of late nights with this little man. This was taken one night after I raced up the stairs to Jamesy's screams. I ran into his room, and immediately Jamesy stopped screaming, grinned at me, shook his finger at me and said "no, nigh, nigh, no nigh, nigh." Then he lifted his arms up to be picked up. He got what he wanted.

I am excited to have crafted (before my pinched nerve) Thanksgiving outfits for the children. (Full photo to come). No, the boys did not get pants. {grin}

And that's all I can type for now. Happy Monday!