He is my Scotty.
By the age of two, Cadi was asking to pray at every meal and praying grandiose, two year old, prayers before bedtime. Scotty, at three, has been more reluctant. He is much more introverted and cautious and perhaps thoughtful and serious. He hesitates to pray, and we don't push. But while Jim was away, he began to request to be the one to pray for our meals, at family devotions, and at bedtime. I gladly let him, each and every time, thinking how cute he was and excited to see him pray.
One evening, toward the end of our time at home without Daddy, Scotty once again asked to pray before falling asleep. He was tucked under his camo comforter with his "Baxter Bear" lovingly snug against his side, and his hand gripped his beloved blankie. He asked to pray forcing the question out around the thumb stuck firmly in his little round mouth. I sat on the edge of his bed, and ran my fingers through his soft blond hair as he began. I watched how his eyes squinted closed, and his face twisted in concentration.
How sweet. I thought.
And then I began to listen, to really listen.
Thank you for Daddy, Mommy, Cadi, and Jamesy. For Grandpa and Grandma.
Thank you for Opia.
Thank you for my dinosaurs and tractors.
Thank you for my books.
Thank you for Jesus.
and on and on he went for nearly 5 minutes - listing everything in his world that was dear to him and thanking his Daddy in heaven for each gift. I felt tears warm my cheeks, as my heart bruised and grew a bit convicted. I realized, in that moment, that every prayer Scotty had been praying over the past few days were entirely prayers of thanksgiving.
I began to question myself, when was the last time that I sat at the throne and just gushed my thanksgiving and adoration to my Father? I could not honestly remember. Of course, I thank God for things, probably most of the time when I pray, I thank God for something. But devoting my entire prayer time to thanksgiving? This was not something I had done in far, far too long.Scotty closed his prayer and wrapped his warm arms around my neck, then sank into his pillow, and put his thumb back into his mouth, unaware of the lesson he had just taught his mommy.
1 Chronicles 29:11-13 Yours, O LORD, is the greatness, the power, the glory, the victory, and the majesty. Everything in the heavens and on earth is yours, O LORD, and this is your kingdom. We adore you as the one who is over all things. Wealth and honor come from you alone, for you rule over everything. Power and might are in your hand, and at your discretion people are made great and given strength. “O our God, we thank you and praise your glorious name!

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