Long after the conversation from that night, I was thinking over what he had said, and it renewed in me the original purpose of this blog - to cherish the moments with my family, while my children are still little. This blog has morphed so much as God continues to orchestrate our family and change Jim and I into what I pray are people who look more like Jesus, but at the center of the blog I want my original purpose to still be found. Sometimes it is easier to pick out and remember the hard moments, to tick them off one by one and to grow weary, but it is healing refreshing and necessary to take the time to notice and thank God for a moment cherished.
Today I am clinging to and nurturing this moment.

Cadi read Luke 1:5-25 to me today out of her glittery, pink princess Bible. She read about Zechariah ("Zechamiah" according to her) and Elizabeth's longing for a son. Cadi's beautiful, soft, girly little voice read the big Word of God, and it washed over me and pillowed its way into my heart.
This, this is why I taught her to read and to love reading.
What is today's moment cherished for you?

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