We hatched (is that what one would say?!) a butterfly in our home as a school project. My mom used to do this with my sister and brother and I as children. Yesterday our butterfly broke through the chrysalis. This video is ....um raw....real....unedited. Please excuse my language near the end. {blush} I rarely say the word sucks, especially on video or in front of my children - ask my hubby. I am not sure what came over me. Ha! Enjoy our funny little family and laughing at our exspense. (I have actually been accused of having a perfect family in emails before. This should clear that up. We are soooo normal!) You will need to pause my player at the bottom of my blog before watching this video.
This blog is my story - well God's story - of how He is taking a scared, shy girl on the adventure of a life time. He is writing a story over me that I didn't ask for, but it is more breath taking that I could have imagined. This is where I pen my story - all for God's glory. You are welcome here. The ending of this story will be a surprise for us both.
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