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Tuesday, August 9, 2011

.Three for a Moment.

My dearest firstborn son Scotty,

Here we stand at the crossroads of the end of another year of your life and the beginning of the next. There are moments where I could choose to feel sad watching you grow farther and farther from that beautiful baby that was placed into my arms three years ago, but how can I feel anything but joy when I look at the amazing boy you are becoming? I know that even now God is at work in your life and in your heart.




I believe and pray that you and your brother are going to be the greatest men of God in your generation. Daddy and I are not simply raising a good boy, we are raising a great man who is going to do unbelievable things for the kingdom and for the glory of God. And that excites me. We have completely surrendered your life to God, and we pray that God takes you to the ends of the earth for His sake. We are not raising you to survive this world, we are raising you to change it - for the glory of God.




This has been such a big year for you, Scotty. You barely resemble the two year old that stood before me last year. The traces of baby have all but been erased, and in their place stands a boy. I am cherishing what is left of your babyhood - your sweet thumb sucking and snuggling, but I am not clinging to them. I am embracing each new stage with you as you grow.





Bringing your little brother home seemed to grow you over night. You immediately stepped into your big brother role with grace and joy, and you amazed Daddy and I. You have become a protector and defender, although perhaps God had been designing that in you all along. Even in the nursery, you were always the child who had to make sure every other child had a toy before you would settle down to play yourself.


When God gave me you, He gave me a gift. You are a precious gift. It is my privilege to be your mommy, and to do life with you. Your smile and bright eyes are the light of our home. Your laughter bounces off of our walls and embraces us. Your are tenderness and toughness, kindness and justice, charming and mischievous. You are three for a moment. A moment that I am tucking into my heart and cherishing all of the days of my life.

Photobucket (Photo captured by the very talented Joanna.)

I love you, Prescott. Today we pause to celebrate your life, and the God who so intricately knitted it together. God knew we needed you.

All my heart, Mommy

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He was one for a moment.

He was two for a moment.

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