This week's question is as follows:
What are some books, besides the Bible, that Christian married couples should read?
This is hard for me to say. I am not sure what books married couples should read, because it is subjective. I love to read - love, love, love it. I am a total bookworm, and I have been from the moment letters revealed themselves as words to me. But in all honesty, I have not read that many books on marriage. I get nervous with things like this, because I do not want to swallow down what some human has to say. I really want to make sure it is biblically sound. Having said that, books can be wonderful resources, and I think they have there place - always under the Bible and through the Bible. So here are a few books that I have read and would recommend.Some of them are more Scripture based and some are just more lighthearted, but each has been valuable to me as a wife seeking to please God in my marriage.
The Power of a Praying Wife by Stormie Omartian I read this book during the first few months that we were married. It completely shaped my prayer life for my husband, and much of how I pray for Jim today is still from this book. In fact I was recently thinking about asking Jim to dig around in the attic to find my copy, as I would love to go through the book again now that I have a few years of marriage under my belt and understand my husband even better.
A Wife After God's Own Heart by Elizabeth George This book shares 12 ways to love your husband the way God wants a wife to. The topics were practical and applicable. I enjoyed using the study guide that accompanies the book. Jim read through A Husband After God's Own Heart by Jim George at the same time. It was neat to apply and talk through what we were learning.
Sex Begins in the Kitchen by Dr. Kevin Leman Dr. Leman is not a theologian and does not claim to be, but I really enjoy his lighthearted, practical books. He gives great tips on how to nurture a godly, loving marriage. This book is entertaining to read, and would be fun to read aloud together.
Cinderella Meets the Caveman: Stop the Boredom in Your Marriage and Jump start the Passion by Dr. David E. Clarke This was a book that Jim and I worked through together, reading aloud before bed. It was entertaining, but let me admit that Jim did not care for it. He thought that some of the author's ideas were silly and that he stereotyped men (especially men - and I agree, he did) and women way too much. I did enjoy the book, and I learned some things. This is light hearted and may not be for every couple.
The Five Love Languages:The Secret to Love that Lasts by Gary Chapman I love the practical ideas given of how to show love. I must say that I am not sure if I entirely buy into the love language theory, but having said that I still think this is a great book. I believe that it does give valuable insights into relationships. It is important to understand that our spouse's needs may be different then our own needs, and this book brings that to light.
For Women Only by Shaunti Feldhahn I read this book a few years back while we were vacationing. Jim read For Men Only by Shaunti Fedlhahn at the same time. I cannot really put my finger on exactly what in the book struck us, but these books rocked our marriage and changed our relationship - for the better. It has been a few years, but I believe every chapter resonated with me in a way.
I have read a few more books over the years, but these are the ones that I can quickly draw to mind and that I would suggest to a married couple.
BUT I really want to use the comment section for you to share what marriage books have impacted you and why. I cannot wait to dive into some new reading material this summer!
As always please email me at amomentcherished(at)gmail(dot)com if you have a marriage question or topic you would like us to try to tackle.

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