I am not going to dive right back into writing today, but tomorrow look for a new Wedded Wednesday post! We have been enjoying the start of our summer break. I have been getting things organized for Cadi's Kindergarten Graduation on Saturday {sob}. Basically we have just been thoroughly enjoying being a family of five.
Photo is thanks to my sweet friend, T who was the amazing photographer at Bethany's wedding.
Our meeting with our social worker went well on Saturday. It was like meeting with an old friend, and I am not just saying that because she reads here, either! [Hi Kristen!] Jim and I have said over and over that our social worker has been a huge blessing. She was handpicked just for us, and we cannot imagine taking this journey with anybody else. It is no secret that we hope God leads us to adopt again (and possibly again and again??!), and we look forward to continuing this relationship with Kristen.
And now I am off to relax with a book while my children finish their naps. Ooooh, I do love the summer!

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