Hallelujah! He reigns and He is risen indeed! But in second place of what matters most -- those outfits are freakin' adorable. Just kidding about the second place, but not kidding about the adorableness. (Is that a word?)
First of all, I LOVE your dress, shoes....well everything! The kids looked gorgeous and your husband matching was so handsome. Secondly, the last picture made me cry a little. What a good daddy! I love seeing that we're all just doing our best to teach our children the truth of it all. The meaning and purpose of it all--and I must say I think you're doing a great job:) Happy Easter...I hope it was as great as ours was!
This blog is my story - well God's story - of how He is taking a scared, shy girl on the adventure of a life time. He is writing a story over me that I didn't ask for, but it is more breath taking that I could have imagined. This is where I pen my story - all for God's glory. You are welcome here. The ending of this story will be a surprise for us both.
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Hallelujah! He reigns and He is risen indeed!
But in second place of what matters most -- those outfits are freakin' adorable. Just kidding about the second place, but not kidding about the adorableness. (Is that a word?)
You have such a cute family! I love the yellow :)
Nice post. I love to use Resurrection Eggs to teach the Easter story.
My daughter wore the same dress as your daughter, but in purple. :0) It went really well with the black eye she got YESTERDAY. :0S
First of all, I LOVE your dress, shoes....well everything! The kids looked gorgeous and your husband matching was so handsome. Secondly, the last picture made me cry a little. What a good daddy! I love seeing that we're all just doing our best to teach our children the truth of it all. The meaning and purpose of it all--and I must say I think you're doing a great job:) Happy Easter...I hope it was as great as ours was!
(from the looks of it, I'd say so:)
This post is so true! :-)
Cute family picture! I love your outfits. :)
Amen! While coloring eggs is fun, and family is cherished, the reason for celebrating is the most precious.
Y'all are beautiful!
Beautifully said and depicted in photos. How true.
Beautiful post! :)
I also love the fact that you all matched for Easter!!! Adorable! :)
Amen, Tiffany! And you all looked adorable for Easter! What a sweet family ya'll are! :)
GREAT photos!
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