Speaking of prayer. My daughter got to see God answer prayer last night,and it was so very neat. I was cuddling with her before bed, trying to make up for the moments yesterday when I was not as intentional as I should have been. As I was snuggling and kissing her, I noticed that she was missing an earring. This was a big deal, as she was wearing the expensive earrings her daddy had purchased for her when she got her ears pierced. I led Cadi in prayer, asking God to give us wisdom as to where to look for the earring. We decided to start in her bedroom and within moments found both the back and the earring itself. We immediately prayed and thanked God. Cadi was so excited to know that God heard us and helped us. I love when she sees and understands a little more about her daddy in heaven. What a precious gift.
Well, we are now on our way to visit Jim's mom and help out if we can. Thanks for the prayers, friends.