We have been expecting that God will show us His clear direction in our lives regarding this next ministry step. It is a wonderful thing to pray to God and expect He will answer - not necessarily with the specific thing we prayed for but always with an answer. As Sunday nears and Jim finalizes his sermon, I find myself deeper and deeper in prayer, in thought, in expectation.
If you had asked us just six months ago had we planned this, we would have adamantly answered no. But if nothing else in this process I have taken to heart Proverbs 16:9 "The human mind plans the way, but the Lord directs the steps."
This Sunday and the final outcome of next Sunday is never far from our thoughts this week. Jim and I have been whispering to each other into the still of the night each night as we fall asleep. Praying, talking, dreaming - searching out God's desires, aligning our hearts with His and with each other. In the craziness of our moments and the monotony of our days our future is only a thought away.

This dear boy has been giving us the giggles with his newest "hat" fascination, but not even that can distract us.
We have been enjoying having daddy home. The children just soak him up, and I would be telling a lie if I said it was any different for me. I so enjoy my husband and spending time with him. He is fun- fun for the children, fun for our family.

I am going to spend tomorrow really focusing on my family and my husband. I want to spend a lot of time in prayer for the upcoming moments ahead. I want to be very intentional in being Jim's help meet tomorrow. I also need to prepare my home to welcome in some family on Sunday afternoon who are coming to hear Jim preach. I am looking forward to hearing Jim's sermon. I have really enjoyed talking through some of his points with him, and I am eager to hear it put together. Of course I love hearing Jim preach. My favorite thing about Jim's preaching is that it is real, from the heart - raw. He is so different from me - an open book when he is in front of people. I think that is what makes him so special, so relate-able. Thank you for taking this journey with us, for praying for us. I will update on Sunday evening or Monday.

Next week I also look forward to writing Scotty's {belated} eighteen month post!