Blogging tips

Friday, January 8, 2010

.Sunshine Award.

I received this sunshine award from Bobbi at Casa Camacho
What a sweet thing for her to give to me!

The sunshine award is given to bloggers whose positivity and creativity inspires others in the blogworld.

I really cannot imagine inspiring anyone, with what I write, but I do pray that God uses my words to bless others.

The rules for accepting this award are:

*Post the logo on your blog.
*Pass the award on to 10 bloggers.
*Link the nominees within your post.
*Let the nominees know they received this award by commenting on their blog.
*Share the love and link to the person you received this award from.

I would love to pass this award on to the following women:
1. Joanna - I have been inspired by Joanna's blog for a few years now. Her writing is like none other. She is a fantastic photographer, and she really knows how to see and claim the little blessings in life. I feel like I have a connection to her, not only are we both introverts, but I worked with and went to church with her sister for a few years.
2. Deb - I really love this woman's simple, natural take on living. Her blog has some amazing ideas and crafts for decorating your home. I like reading this woman's blog, because she seems to have this innate desire to create, something I share with her. Deb also has a heart for God that is evidenced in her blog. She also shares some really yummy recipes!
3. Organizing Mommy - This woman has fabulous, practical tips on organizing. Organizing is not a strength of mine - HA! So I really appreciate her insight. I love the fact that her organizing story revolves around putting God in the center of her life, and allowing Him to give her wisdom in the area of organizing. She also shares posts about being a wife and Mommy.
4. Pineapple Princess - I just recently started reading her blog. It is wonderful and inspirational. This woman's love for Jesus shines so clear in every post! She has a wonderful eye for photography, yet claims to not be a photographer -hmmm. lol Pineapple Princess has a wonderful sense of humor and way of writing that makes her blog one of my favorites.
5. A. Ann - I have been inspired by this woman for a few years now. Her blog is one of my all-time favorites. I have never seen someone as creative as she is. She can decorate beautifully with items that seem worthless and with just a few dimes. Her photography is top-notch, with very little editing - rare these days. This woman's love for her seven gorgeous children and her husband is a blessing, but what I love the most about her blog is her heart for God and her desire to grow in His love and grace. I will never forget how last year, when I was struggling through some questions regarding family planning, she took the time from her very busy life to email me a very personal and lengthy email. I still have it, and really value the things she shared with me.
6. Kelly - This blog is another recent find. Kelly is a stay-at-home mommy to a beautiful one year old baby girl named, Harper. I have enjoyed catching up on her story of how she begged God for a child and was finally blessed with one, only after some heart ache and trials. Kelly is a very upbeat, positive blogger with a fantastic sense of style!
7. Shanda - Hers is one of the first blogs I ever started reading. Shanda's blog is always beautiful and creative and filled with gorgeous photos. Her love for nature, God and her family is inspiring and refreshing. Shanda has a very transparent blog, that always speaks to my mommy heart.
8. Susie - I started following Susie's blog, when her son, Joshua, was born with a severe, neural tube defect. I witnessed, through her blog, this family's heart ache upon losing their son, and their reliance and faith in God. Their story helps me to count my blessings and reminds me to be thankful for my healthy children each day. Susie is also a great photographer and so very crafty - she is an inspiration!
9. Julia and Sallie - These two sisters post fabulous recipes! This blog is packed with tasty treats and yummy looking photos. I am inspired by their desire to make memories in the kitchen. I just recently found their blog, but have really enjoyed reading the posts these two sisters share.
10. Vanessa - I am not sure if I have ever read a blog from someone as creative as she is! Oh. my. You must check her gorgeous mosaics out. It seems every other post, Vanessa shares another project she is working on, and everyone of them is truly a work of art. Her blog is fun and honest, and I have enjoyed reading what she writes.

Whew. I could have easily given this award to three times the amount of women. I tried not to duplicate the blogs for this award, that I gave the last award, too, but I could have easily given this same award to those women. I am thankful for the creative outlet that blogging is for me, but also for the way God has allowed the blogs of other women to teach me, encourage me, and inspire me.
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