Blogging tips

Monday, November 2, 2009

.Bloggy Award.

My friend Amy at The Heart of a Writer gave me my first bloggy award! How fun! {grin} Thanks Amy! I enjoy reading her blog. She has a beautiful way with words, and is very transparent about being a pastor's wife in a small country church and raising a cute, busy two year old boy, while being close to delivering her first baby girl. Check her blog out!

Here are the rules for the award:

1. Must thank the person who gave you the award and list their blog and link it.
2. Share "10 Honest things" about yourself.
3. Present this award to 7 others whose blogs you find brilliant in content and/or design, or those who have encouraged you.
4. Tell those 7 people they've been awarded HONEST SCRAP and inform them of these guidelines in receiving the award.

Ten Honest Things About Myself:
1. I have a fear of failure which tends to lead to a fear of trying.

2. I LOVE to cook and bake for my family, but I did not know how at. all. seven years ago when I married my Sweet heart!

3. I absolutely love and feel blessed to be home schooling, but I do miss some of my "me time". Wouldn't trade it for schooling Cadi, though!

4. I love taking and editing photos, but I am VERY bad at printing and framing photos - to my total dismay.

5. I heart thrift stores and yard sales!

6. I resisted decorating "country" for almost four years of my marriage. Now I am head-over-heels in love with country prim decor, and am slowly getting my home exactly how I want it.

7. I don't sleep well in a messy room.

8. It bothers me if my children are disheveled, messy, sticky, etc. Yup, I need to loosen up!

9. I love the smell of our clean laundry!

10. I have been playing Christmas music in our home for a few weeks already! {grin}

Seven blogs I find brilliant in content and/or design, or who have encouraged me.

1. The Mom Creative
I just recently started following Jessica's blog. She writes from a honest, sweet heart. I love the way she loves her boy.

2. Ceaseless Praises We met last year at a camp conference, and then we started following each other's blog. She has been a real encouragement to me through her comments. I also really enjoy reading her daily adventures with her sweet toddler.

3. My red balloon This is my friend Theresa. Her blog is fabulous - she has a lovely way with words, and her photos are always gorgeous, especially when they are of her two sweet, beautiful daughters!

4. Raising Redheads I just recently started following Ramee's blog. Let me tell you, it's one to read! I have been so encouraged and challenged by her writing. She is honest and gentle in her approach. Love it!

5. The Pausley Land Adventures This is a new blog for me, too! I just love her sensitive heart towards being a godly wife and mommy!

6. Home school Creations
This woman has the most organized blog! It has been such a great home school resource for me. I have used many of her ideas!

7. The Story of a Princess and her Hair This blog is a must read and see if you have a little girl with lots of hair like I do! Cadi and I both love trying out these new hairstyles! It has been a fun bonding time for us.

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