As I mentioned earlier this week, Cadi had an eye appointment. We had been noticing some problems with her eyes. Sure enough she needs a prescription for some glasses. We picked out some cute {expensive} glasses, that she should be receiving soon.
I was a bit devastated that Cadi, at just four years old needs glasses. I have poor eyesight myself, and have always hated it. I was really hoping that Jim's perfect vision genes would be passed onto our daughter - nope. So we will make due, and I am sure the adjustment will be fine.
Not only does Cadi need glasses, but she also has to wear a patch for thirty minutes each day. {sigh} Her eyes drift a lot when she is tired and cross. Her left eye is especially bad, so wearing the patch over the right eye is supposed to strengthen her left. I thought we would be given a patch, but we weren't. So ashamedly I just figured I would throw on her eye a plastic pirate patch that Cadi had received as a favor from a birthday party.
However, I was chatting with my best friend on the phone soon after finding out about Cadi's vision problems, and she suggested I make a cute one from some felt she had and an elastic. What a great idea! So after spending the evening with her family last night I came home with some fun colored felt and elastic. I couldn't fall asleep last night {surprise}, so I started creating the patch in my head. I got to thinking that it would be better if I could create something that fit over her glasses rather than under and eliminate the elastic altogether, as I am sure that would not be comfortable. I searched online for a pattern, and I came up empty. However, I did see a few cute ideas, so I mixed and matched the ideas and created my own patch. It was so fun to be able to create and sew. This little project took about ten minutes, and I am really pleased with the result! We tried the patch over Cadi's sunglasses as well as my glasses. It fit on both, so I am hoping it fits on her glasses as well.

It's even lined! (Ignore the stitches. I like to sew, but am not good at it. At. All. Ha!)

I am thankful for the inspiration from my best friend, Bethany! Without her, poor Cadi would have been looking very Pirate-ish. Now we have a pretty, pretty pirate princess!

Sigh. I love your pictures!! She looks SO cute!!!!!!
What a cute idea! I bet she thinks it's pretty special! I'm all for patches without elastic. Unfortunately, my son would never settle for the non-pirate version of a patch! :-)
Can't wait to share pictures of our munchkins in their new frames!
I had to wear a patch to school all day when I was growing up (from about 1st - 4th grade). I could only have it off at night. It was horrible because I looked weird and it was the kind with plastic adhesive on it. I hated the way it felt. I am so glad you were able to come up with a better alternative. She looks adorable.
jack's been struggling with a lazy eye and they have been having him come in every 6 months to monitor it so we may have a patch man sometime too...what a cute idea!
You have a done a brilliant job. She looks so cute.
That's a great idea!! That makes you supermom, right?
Hmmm...this comment box says that my "comment has been saved and will be visible after blog owner approval." That's weird because I haven't written one yet for this post! Funny. :)
Anyway, I love the eye patch. You are so creative and it is so pretty! I hope that Cadi adjusts well to glasses and the eye patch works.
Sooooo cute! That is the best eye patch I have ever seen :o)
Cute idea. Darling pictures.
I understand your pain, I had to get my first pair of glasses when I was in third grade. My daughter got hers in the fourth. Praying my son takes after his dad. My hubby has only had to have glasses for the last few years because of computer work...perfect before then.
Oh my goodness, that is adorable! Talk about making lemonade when life hands you lemons ;)
I think your kitty patch is super cute! Know who I think Cadi looks like with her glasses? Have you seen Hope Floats? The little Berniece girl - kind of. :) Cute! :)
What a creative mommy you are. My daughter has a friend with the same problem and his patch is definitely not as cute :) She is adorable too with her glasses.
Jesse use to have to wear a patch during the day. We (my parents) got his at the pharmacy..They were basically like a bandaid but he would sweat behind it so bad in the summer time! Poor patch kids :)
(Esther Palmer)
ok, cool... i just made lots of new emo backgrounds 4 my blog
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