I am still a newbie when it comes to editing, and at times I have a heavy hand. I am working to take better photos and therefore edit less. It is addicting to edit, though. I like the creative artistic side of it. I currently use Photoshop CS3 for my post-processing. I am not good enough at it to explain every step along the way. I stumble through each photo until I get it how I want it, but then have no idea what I just did! Here is a shot of Cadi that I have not shared yet from the group of shots that I shared here. It wasn't a great shot - not focused - so it's not sharp. Rather dull. However, with an edit it is salvageable. It's still not the best from the group I shot that day, though. {grin}
Unedited Photo:

Edited Photo:

I cropped this a little too much probably as the end result became a little soft. I tend to do that, and need to be more careful.
Cannot wait to see all of the other edits!