BBQ Pork
Whole Wheat Bread
Pumpkin Chili
Apple Pie
Freezer Mashed Potatoes (not pictured)
I am still catching up from a very busy weekend. Jim's sister and her family flew in from Florida to surprise Jim's parents. We were in on the covert op, and we picked their family up at the airport. After a weekend of eating way too much food and all staying in Jim's parent's home enjoying one anothers company, it is back to "normal" life. It has been a rough start to the week, but we are getting there!

Cadi really enjoyed time with her cousins. I was never close with any of my cousins, so this is a treat for me. This was taken on Saturday at a local pumpkin farm that we visited.
We walked into the gift store at the pumpkin farm, and my eyes immediately fell on an antique coca cola crate. I have been looking for one for months. I immediately resorted to toddler tactics, tugged on my Hubby's shirt, and nearly begged him to buy it for me as a early birthday gift.
He obliged. Doesn't it fit right in?

It's just perfect to display and organize all of my tea bags.
My hubby really "gets" my decorating style. He found this antique tool box for me this summer. It fits so perfectly in the weird space over my sink.

And the summer before he got me this antique bread maker. I feel really blessed that Jim takes such an interest in my interests. These are just a few of the items that he has collected for me.

So I received the honest scrap award again today from Melissa Thank you Melissa, that is so kind of you! If you get a chance check out her sweet blog! She has such a sincere heart and shares God's awesome faithfulness in an incredible way in her blog!
I am not going to go through and elect any blog again. (Although I do follow a ton and really love so many of them! I am just far too tired tonight!)
But I will try to think of ten more honest things about me. (I like reading other peoples, so maybe that is true of you?!)
1. I love, love, love to read.
2. I am afraid of the dark.
3. I love staying at home, and really don't mind if it is for days on end.
4. I cannot wait for our first really big snowfall!
5. I am addicted to coffee - Starbucks, black - thank you! {grin}
6. I love to write, especially on paper. Typing is not the same.
7. I slept with a blankie into the first year of my marriage.
8. My hubby was my first and only boyfriend, and he was my first kiss.
9. I love Elvis Presley, and I wanted to name Scotty, Presley.
10. I did not want any more children after a scary birth experience with Cadi, but now I want a houseful, and fear I have waited too long.
Even though I am not passing this on, please share ten things about yourself, but leave a comment and let me know that you did! That way I can come read them! {grin}
See you tomorrow - don't forget your apron!