A moment cherished between a brother and his sister.
A moment in time
that could have been missed
had my heart not been attentive
my mind slowed
my body still.
These moments are heaven sent
they tumble in one right after the other.
A moment cannot last.
A moment cannot be held.
It stays long enough
to be cherished
to be wasted
to be missed.

So I sit for awhile.
I slow down life's place.
I think.
I reflect.
I enjoy.
A moment cherished must be embraced.

Sweet! I can't wait to watch my two interact!!! :)
Wow..LOVE your blog and the very obvious passion for you LORD and your family. I'm always looking for other women to network and learn from and i'm happy to follow you now :)
Thanks for your sweet note on my blog today!
such cute kids! :) and i agree with Mandolin :)
Great pictures! You've done a great job designing your blog.
Thanks for being an awesome BlogFrog member!
Hi Tiffany - I found your blog through BlogFrog and wanted to stop by and visit. The photograph with your babies where the skirt and shirt are color and the rest are B&W is just incredible. You are clearly amazing photographer (like Mckmama).
I also wanted to welcome you to BlogFrog and say congrats on your membership. If you ever have any questions or suggestions for how we can improve, please let me know.
Looking forward to following your blog!
Holly (co-founder TheBlogFrog)
Very sweet! Get those sweet moments now while they last! lol. My older two would never be caught dead in photos like that. lol
These are the cutest photos! And your words are so very true!
Beautiful! I love your daughter's skirt!!!!
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