Blogging tips

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

.Oneness {A Guest Post}.


Today's post was written by Heather Patenaude, author of Emotional Purity: An Affair of the Heart.
Heather and I became bloggy friends years ago when I was blogging at a different platform, and I was the young mommy of just one, sweet daughter, and I believe Heather was Mommy to one, sweet, son. My how things have changed! Heather now mommies three little boys and homeschools the oldest two. I have a lot of respect for Heather, we have similar passions and values and long to see God glorified in our lives. You can follow Heather's life here.
Thank you Heather for writing this meaningful and practical post!

One way to safeguard your marriage is to ask: Does this create oneness with my mate?

"The two shall become one flesh" Matthew 19:5

Shall become...I read that I think: Is there is a process of becoming one flesh?

In my own marriage, I believe there has been a process, one we're still in. We've been intentional to ask:

 Does this create oneness?

That intentionality has helped us filter out and include in activities in our life. (Oneness is not and women are created different!)

Some of those areas we ask this question would include: work, ministry, hobbies, TV watching habits, vacation, extra-curricular activities, how we spend money, church involvement, raising our boys, and even what time we go to bed.

Using this question as a filter helps us figure out what is best for us and what are things we can set aside. We also have come to realize there are seasons where one thing may cause oneness and in a different season doing the complete opposite will cause oneness.

Praying for you and your mate to experience oneness today in a new and fresh way!

Please share your thoughts on oneness. What has and has not brought oneness to your marriage?


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