I just couldn't go through with taking him in for his blood work today. I do not do well with needles and blood myself, and the thought of watching Scotty go through it was too much. Jim was so great and offered to take him. Cadi and I stayed behind, prayed together, and then had a really nice time of schooling.
Jim came back with a happy, bubbly boy in his arms, along with a special treat - a box of graham crackers shaped like dog biscuits!?!! We do not usually purchase graham crackers (I have been making them), and I did not even know that they came in dog biscuit shapes these days! It was rather amusing watching Scotty chomp on them. {giggle}
Jim said that Scotty did as well as can be expected. He of course cried, but settled in Jim's arms quickly. The nurses I hear could not get enough of him. They were very reluctant to actually do the draw. Scotty came home with a sweet gift from the nurses clutched in his chubby fist - a little plaid scotty dog. How perfect is that? I am going to keep it forever displayed in my Christmas decor as a reminder of this time in Scotty's life.
He looks pretty good for just having oodles of vials of blood drawn, doesn't he? It's amazing what a {graham} dog biscuit will do!
Jim also filled a prescription for some ointment for Scotty's eczema. We are hoping that helps. The doctor also suggested bleach baths - can you believe that? I still want to do a bit of my own research before I attempt that one. It is bad, though, and I am willing to try {almost} anything.
We will not receive the results for Scotty's tests for around ten days. I am earnestly praying for some answers.
Thank you to all of you who prayed and shared such kind words and encouragement to me through my blog and email. I was overwhelmed with your compassion.
And on to other {cute} things. We visited my sister, her husband, and their daughter this weekend. Kaylen turns one this Thursday, and we celebrated with a party on Saturday. Here are a few quick snapshots that I took of the little princess.
My sister bought her the most adorable tu-tu, hair pretty, and appliqued tee to wear for her party. Isn't she so cute??
Cassie is my only sister. She is amazing. She is beautiful, silly, crazy, kind, and the best sister I could have ever dreamed of. I love her and her sweet daughter so much. I wish that we lived closer. Jim was asking me on our drive home if I had a nice time with her. I said "yes, but it is never long enough." And that is the truth - it never is.
Kaylen is amazing, too. She was walking at nine months, and has so much cuteness and personality squeezed into her tiny body. I could spend hours hugging and kissing on her sweet cheeks.
My sister's husband, Caleb, is my sister's perfect match. He is an excellent Daddy. Kaylen seems pretty smitten, too.
Too much cuteness.
I am thinking that cuteness must run in our genes. {wink}
Oh Tiffany! I am so happy to hear that Scotty did so well!! :-) I am praying for his test results!! I have to admit I was delighted when he jumped out of your arms to see me on Sunday. It makes me excited to have my own...yes I did just say that! Also, your niece is priceless!! The outfit oh my! Too much to handle! Have a great week!! I can't wait to see you and your sweet family again!
I'm so glad your day went well and that Scotty bounced back so quickly! What a trooper! Sweet pics too :o)
On a side note, I LOVE that quilt behind Scotty in the picture! Did you make it? A quilt just like that is on my list of things to do... sooner rather than later I hope!
Oh, my goodness, Tiffany, what a blessing that you didn't have to go!!! My heart just broke holding Z while he had 2 vials taken last week at his 2-yr. appt. - he just looked at me like, "Mom, why would you let them do this?" It was so horrible. I'm glad Scotty recovered, and those dog biscuits - that is so funny. I haven't seen those...but Zachary got some Lightning McQueen-shaped Teddy Grahams for his birthday which thrill him to no end. :) Oh, and your niece is totally adorable. :)
praying for you - for peace as you wait for the results of Scotty's tests. My mama's heart feels with your mama's heart.
Hi, me again. Just a tip from a gal with eczema her whole life..you might want to put a little bit of lotion on before the ointment for Scotty. Sometimes the ointment stings a little.
Braden was eczema too! It's terrible. He just cries and cries when I have to apply his prescription ointment. What else have you guys tried that hasn't worked? Any new ideas that we could try would be helpful. This time of year is rough for my redheads and their little skin. Speaking of redheads, is your sister's little girl really that red? She's a doll baby!!! I'm praying for Scotty and for you. Things are going to be ok...I'm praying for answers one way or another.
i about cry everytime ellie gets a vaccine shot. And she gets Eczema on her scalp pretty heavily. She had it once behind her ears and the doc perscribed hydrocortisone cream...that was.
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