Last night I zoned out with a book, and the evening got away from me. By the time I realized I had not published a post, I was too tired. And now yesterday is a blur of first day of summer vacation fun. It was gloriously hot. I took the kiddos for a walk, to the library, and to play at the park. We all were tired when we came home. I laid on Scotty's lower bunk bed for a moment during nap time, listening to their book on CD, and I fell asleep for about 10 minutes! That never happens! I love homeschooling so much, but the more relaxed, care-free summer days are very much needed as well. We are figuring out our summer routine and enjoying being together and having fun. I am noticing that this past month with no real menus to plan or big grocery lists or trips to make, I have a lot more time to be intentional with my children in the afternoon/early evening. I want to figure out how to make that stick.

Scotty & Cadi with their pile of library books yesterday afternoon.
But I have to be honest, I am thrilled to have worked on a menu plan and grocery list today! I cannot wait for my coffee on Friday morning. I will not take it for granted and savor every sip. But I learned something, I can live without it. I can also live without a lot of food. It didn't kill me, and after awhile it didn't even feel like self control anymore but just almost normal. The hardest days were Friday, because that is our family pizza night. We all really look forward to Friday nights. But it was fine.
Still working through all God taught me this month. I think food has been an idol. {squirm} I think I have allowed it to consume many areas of my life - and that therein lies the excess and the very point of this fast. I don't want to be ruled by the excess that is so suffocating here in America, and I don't want to blame this country for the ways I have let excess infiltrate my life, my home, and my heart. I want Jesus to rule me. Still pressing into Him about this, hoping to figure out how to more coherently write about it tomorrow.
One more day.
Habi update:
We got the I-20 from the private school that we have enrolled Habi in. It and our other paperwork is headed to Ethiopia! Habi has his passport photo taken tomorrow, and then he should have his passport by next Thursday. He should have a visa embassy interview scheduled for a day that Jim and I are in country. {squeal} Cannot believe this is all coming together so perfectly! Please, please keep those prayers coming. I am specifically asking prayer for Habi, as he is nervous about the interview, and for the consular who interviews him. We have heard that there is one woman in the embassy who almost never gives out visas, BUT our God is bigger!
Cadi update:
I shared this on facebook today.
Got the phonecall from Upstate Hospital that Cadi is officially in remission!!! She has been diagnosed with an accute case of I.T.P., however her chances of it reoccuring and becoming chronic I.T.P. are increased. BUT we only have to do another blood draw again if we ever notice the membrane bleeding, petechaia, or bruising, like she had this fall. God has been so good and gracious to our family! ......These have been probably the hardest 8 months of parenting to date. Thank you to our friends and family that carried us in prayer, encouraged us with cards, calls, messages, etc., babysat Jamesy and Scotty while Cadi had Hematology appointments, allowed us to cry on their shoulders or into the phone when Cadi was not looking, fixed us meals, sent Cadi care packages and cards and visited with Cadi while she was on bedrest for so long. Today we are praising God for life - every breath is a grace gift from God.