Blogging tips

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

.Evolution of the Hair.

It's no secret. We are obsessed with this boy's hair. I had spent countless hours researching how to care for it, style it, maintain it, etc. before bringing Jamesy home. And then I researched again after bringing him home, as I continued to learn more about his texture, culture, and what was and wasn't working for his beautiful curls. Hair is a big deal in black culture and in Ethiopia. Therefore, Jamesy's hair is now a big deal to us.

I wanted to share with you in photos the evolution of his hair throughout this past year. I know I have been contacted quite a bit by adoptive families about Jamesy's hair routine/care, and I have only been able to keep up with a few emails. So, now is your chance, if you have a question that you think I may be able to answer, leave it in the comments. I wrote a post here, but things have changed a bit as I learn more and more of what works for Jamesy's hair type (3c if you are wondering, except for a patch in that back which is 4b). So if there is interest (I don't want to write a post and bore the majority of my readers), I would love to write another post on what is working now after a year of trial and error. Just shoot me your questions.

Here is the evolution of the hair.

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His hair in January when we first met him.

His hair in March when we picked him up. (It had been cut once since we had seen him last. It has not been cut since!)

First time with product in his hair!

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One month home.

Summer sunshine was great for his hair growth!

Mommy practicing parts.

The sleep cap made it's presence in Jamesy's hair routine.


First twist out 'Fro.

Working on elongating his curls with some new product.

Rocking the "wash n' go".

Jamesy right after a cowash. The only time he ever gets his curls combed through is during a cowash, which happens about once a week. We are only 'pooing about once a month this winter.

Mommy finally perfected twisted locks and found a great locking cream!

More twisted locks - my current favorite style for Jamesy. I only wish they lasted longer than a week. (Need to teach the white people in his life not to touch them or rub them! Ha!)

Before his morning routine AKA bed head.

Faux 'Fro Hawk.

What happens when he sleeps in a hawk!

 And that the evolution of Jamesy's hair over this past year. I cannot wait to see where this next year takes his hair. We are thinking cornrows are in his near future!


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