A sweet friend of mine was trying to talk me into splurging on a Kindle or a Nook, but I am not sure if I can really trade in the feel, the smell, of books. I am very tactile when it comes to my books and to reading - it is an experience for me, as silly as that sounds. I know books are so expensive. I do use my library a ton, and when I purchase books, I only purchase books that I know I will pass on and on to other people. Books and reading are my guilty pleasure. No matter what, I always make time to squeeze a little reading into everyday.
Right now I am delving into Orphanology - Awakening to Gospel - centered adoption and orphan care by Tony Merida and Rick Morton.

Russell D. Moore (author of Adopted for Life) had this to say about the book :
The orphan is not a cause. The orphan is not an issue. The orphan has a human face, and that face is Galilean. Jesus tells us that when we see the poor, the weak, the vulnerable, the tossed aside, we see Him there. Tony Merida, one of the most brilliant and passionate preachers in evangelical Christianity today, calls us to remember the orphans as we follow Christ.

I feel as if I am joining the rest of the world and jumping on the band wagon with this book, Kisses from Katie by Katie Davis. But I could not not read it. I have been following this girl's blog for so long, I just knew that I had to also read her book. A blog only tells so much of our story, there is much left unsaid between the lines.
If you are not familiar with Katie's story, watch this little preview here. (You will need to scroll down to the bottom of my blog and pause my playlist in order to hear the video.)

And as always, I am reminding myself to read everything sandwiched between God's Word and filtered through His Word. As much as I love books, I never want to hunger for or follow another book the way I want to God's Word.
What are you reading? Please share. Some of my favorite books have come at your suggestion.

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