And crying all alone
We were waiting and praying
And longing to bring you home
And then we saw your face
In a moment you were wrapped up in our hearts
We took a step of faith
And now here we are
Will you let me hold you in my arms tonight?
I have come so far to find you
So far to find you
Will you take my love and give up the fight?
I have come so far to find you
So far to find you
From a world away, I journeyed
Just to hold your hand
You will never be alone again
I've come so far to find you
So far to find you
You were fighting and fearful
You were hiding your heart away
But I was trying so hard to show you
'Cause there were no words that I could say
If you could see my heart
You would know that all I want to do
Is care for you
Will you let me hold you in my arms tonight?
I have come so far to find you
So far to find you
Will you take my love and give up the fight?
I have come so far to find you
So far to find you
Here in your eyes I see
Reflections of myself
How I'm the child that's really running
But I can hear a voice that's whispering my name
Saying come to me, don't run from me
I'm all you need and I am calling
Will you let me hold you in my arms tonight?
I have come so far
Will you take my love and give up the fight?
I have come so far
Will you let me hold you in my arms tonight?
I have come so far to find you
So far to find you
Will you take my love and give up the fight?
I have come so far to find you
So far to find you
From Heaven's throne
Down to a rugged cross I came
It was My love for you that brought Me all the way
So far to find you
So far to find you
You were broken, abandoned
And crying all alone
[Casting Crowns - So Far to Find You from Come to the Well]
I heard this song yesterday, and fell in love with it. Jim and I have always been fans of Casting Crowns and their music - their message.
When I listened to this song the first few times I was amazed at how closely it mirrored our journey to Jamesy. It was as if the author wrote it with our story in mind. Then as I listened more and more, it struck me how closely this song mirrors the Gospel and my adoption through Jesus Christ.
I think this is why I am so "hung up on", so captivated and fascinated and passionate about adoption. Because adopting Jamesy gave me, for the first time, a much more vivid portrait of my own adoption. I had not really understood it before. My head knew it, sure. I went to Bible college and had been taught about my adoption as a son and an heir of God. But it didn't truly seem as amazing as it really, really is, until I adopted myself, and got the teeniest glimpse into what my adoption through Jesus really meant. It has changed my life, and I know I get carried away and passionate, and am fixated on this. I know people give me the hairy eyeball when they see me coming with that "fire in my eyes". In my heart, though, I want others to experience what I have experienced - not by physically adopting necessarily (although it is wonderful!), but by understanding the adoption that believers have because of the blood of Jesus Christ. The implications of that are bigger than any words. I am dumbfounded.
I think this is why I am so "hung up on", so captivated and fascinated and passionate about adoption. Because adopting Jamesy gave me, for the first time, a much more vivid portrait of my own adoption. I had not really understood it before. My head knew it, sure. I went to Bible college and had been taught about my adoption as a son and an heir of God. But it didn't truly seem as amazing as it really, really is, until I adopted myself, and got the teeniest glimpse into what my adoption through Jesus really meant. It has changed my life, and I know I get carried away and passionate, and am fixated on this. I know people give me the hairy eyeball when they see me coming with that "fire in my eyes". In my heart, though, I want others to experience what I have experienced - not by physically adopting necessarily (although it is wonderful!), but by understanding the adoption that believers have because of the blood of Jesus Christ. The implications of that are bigger than any words. I am dumbfounded.
If you have no idea what I am talking about, if you want a relationship with this Jesus that I talk and write of, if you want to be adopted as a son/daughter of the God of universe, with all of the blessings and privileges that come with being His child, will you please email me? I would be glad to share the good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ with you, or just answer any questions that you might have.
Here is the song I typed out above. Listen to it, with your adoption in mind. (Please pause my playlist at the bottom of my blog before pushing play.)

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