This year I was absolutely ecstatic to find that my beloved Ambleside Online - free homeschool resources that reflect a Charlotte Mason method - had a link that provided teaching tools for biblical character traits!! The website is an e-zine called The Character Journal.
When you clink on the link you will notice that on the left hand side under home is a list of all of the character traits they have covered - over thirty! Simply click on the trait you are interested in to find definitions, verses, stories, etc. It is an amazing resource for any mom interested in instilling these traits in their children (and in herself! Last year I worked just as hard as Cadi on the character traits as I could not ask her to apply something I had not applied, and I am sure this year will be no different.)

Right now I have just written out the traits on index cards along with the definition and a few references. I also have included the opposite of the trait. I am thinking that I will just punch a hole in the cards and slip them on a d-ring, but perhaps I will get more creative. Any ideas? I plan to present one character trait a week for the school year.
Right now I am rereading Educating the WholeHearted Child by Clay and Sally Clarkson. I am finding wisdom, courage, and confidence for our school year ahead. Only 16 days until we start!
And if you have not yet - check out my give away! Chances are pretty good that YOU could be the winner!!