Love deep and long and unconditionally.
Say I'm sorry.
Kiss & hug & touch - often.
Talk - bare it all. Leave no sentence uncovered. Expose.
Learn about the other.
Shower each other with compassion & grace & mercy.
Keep no record of wrong.
Cheer loud & emphatically. Let the whole world know you married the best.
Slow life down and savor the moments.
Create memories.
Get to know the Jesus of the Bible together - the real Jesus - even if He is different than you were taught.
Take your other to God daily - moment by moment.
Be thankful & grateful & content. And say that you are.
Wrap your heart jointly around what God's heart is drawn to.
Love others.
Fill your home with children & laughter & wonderful, messy life.
Throw away perfection and reach for the beauty in the imperfect.
Pen notes of undying love.
Stay up late and pillow talk.
Remember when.
Look at the other through the eyes of Jesus.
Less self.
Lighten up. Have fun. Don't take yourself seriously.
Keep love sacred.
Get your hands dirty together for the sake of the gospel.
Admit your mistakes & grow beyond them.
Forgive, forgive, forgive. Wipe the slate clean no matter how many times it takes.
Always kiss goodnight. Always say I love you.
Don't be afraid to grow up & to grow old - together.
Experience intimacy with God & then with each other.
Face the same direction - holding hands.
Let God be the glue that forms two into one.
Today marks just nine years for us. We are just beginning to understand what makes a marriage last. Not everyday has been bliss, but everyday has been blessed.

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