I am still here. {grin} Almost all of my computer time right now is having to be reserved for editing photos. I have (praise God) had a lot of sessions lately!
School is going exceptionally well. I cut Scotty's AM nap for the first time last week starting Monday. It made for some rough mornings, but by Friday he was getting the hang of our new schedule. And as of today it has been smooth as butter during school time.
We are earnestly praying that we receive our finalized & approved home study this week. Our home study coordinator has been out of the country. He returned on Sunday, but so far we can not get in touch with him. Please pray!
I am the least stressed out and the most joyful that I have been all summer right now. We are crazy busy, but my life is back on a schedule, and I feel so much better!! I guess this has taught me that I will have to write a summer schedule for next year. I just cannot function well without one.
I love facebook these days when I am so busy - to open up my email and find encouragement that was written on my wall or sent privately in a message is such a blessing! I have been able to connect with several women from our adoption agency lately on facebook too and I love that! I have some very faithful prayer warriors who send me messages of typed out prayers that they are praying over my days. Wow. There are just some things about technology that God has used to bless my heart in amazing ways! We live in such a neat time period.
Jim and I have been busy, busy, busy with church ministries. He has been preparing all summer to launch two major ministries this fall, plus we are preparing to host a Beth Moore simulcast at our church September 18th. Wow has that been a lot of work for us!
Things are good, really, really good. I fall more in love with my family and my Savior each day. I love my role in our home, and am trying to cherish every precious moment of these days at home teaching and training my children. The only thing that could make life better is getting our Ethiopian prince home. Soon. {grin}
This blog is my story - well God's story - of how He is taking a scared, shy girl on the adventure of a life time. He is writing a story over me that I didn't ask for, but it is more breath taking that I could have imagined. This is where I pen my story - all for God's glory. You are welcome here. The ending of this story will be a surprise for us both.
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