Blogging tips

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

.Fancy Camera Strap.

My friend, T, came over this morning, and we prettied our babies...ahem....I mean cameras with fancy camera straps. T has mad sewing skills, and hers came out looking so professional - straight edges and lines. While I am a rule-follower normally - just ask my poor hubby! - when it comes to sewing, rules just fly out the window for me! My strap is pretty, and I love it. But let's just say I couldn't sell it! Ha!

This was a pretty easy sewing project. Which is a good thing for me. We used this pattern. (Well, I ended up doing my own thing when all was said and done, but the idea was from there.)


I am thankful for the unexpected friendship we have formed and sharing our love of photography, mommying, and creating.

Thanks Theresa for a fun morning (and you should post a photo of your strap for everyone to see!).

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