I am tired, but I very quickly wanted to share an awesome, low calorie and semi healthy oatmeal raisin cookie recipe that I stumbled upon last week.
Click here to see the recipe.
Now, if you know me at all, you know I have trouble leaving recipes alone. I always think I can tweak them to make them better. I guess I take after my mom in that way. I was really, really tempted to add some spices in - at least some cinnamon, but I resisted. I figured if this recipe was good enough for a Paris chef it would be good enough for this stay-at-home mommy/house wife! I will admit that I did add in 2 T flax seed meal.
The recipe made 24 cookies for me, and at 74 calories a piece - I was pretty pleased.
They were YUMMY!! Give them a try. {grin}