Actually I just got this out of the library yesterday. I had been on a waiting list for it. I have been devouring it! The author, Amanda Blake Soule has so many imaginative, creative ideas to do as a family. I love the way she looks at and treasures childhood. Her words spoke right to my mommy heart.
"Be in the moment as much as you possibly can, and follow your child's natural, creative imagination wherever it may lead you both." pg.13
"It seems that finding the time is often the biggest obstacle to creative pursuits. In the busy lives we all have today, it's a reality that finding the time for creativity might need to be planned. In the same way we plan the appointments and self care we need in our lives, we also need to plan for the creative projects that are important to us." pg. 145
"From what I see around me, I am not alone in the desire to remember and preserve old family traditions and to create new ones. Perhaps it is our current cultural energy of rushing about, with little time for the daily traditions and rhythms that were so much a part of our past; perhaps it is the way in which the generations before us have tossed aside the traditions of our childhood; or perhaps it is our own childhoods, which may have been full of plenty of toys, parties, and material wealth but lacking in tradition and ritual." pg. 161
While there are tons of arts and craft ideas in the book, I am finding the book to be more of an encouragement to me as a mom about loving and teaching my children and my philosophy of family life. It is very sweetly written and gentle in its approach. I am a big fan of the Charlotte Mason approach to homeschooling. I am a little unsure as to how to practically apply it in schooling, as I struggle to break free of the educated school teacher part of myself. But this book really seems to go hand-in-hand with that method. The book is filled with photos of the author and her sweet family. The projects are simple, although they did seem to be more adult-geared to me. Overall I am enjoying reading this celebration of mothering and childhood! If you have read the book, I would love hearing your thoughts.
I am now awaiting her book Handmade Home, my name is on a waiting list.
Another new favorite is the website http://www.puritan.com/ After being frustrated with how much we spend on supplements at Walmart or a drug store, I finally turned to the internet. To my great joy, I discovered that we can save a TON of money purchasing our supplements this way! This site is great because they offer a lot of buy one get ones. I actually made a huge purchase today. We will be set on supplements for at least 6 months, perhaps even a year with some of them! Curious as to what we take?
Jim and I both take
a multi vitamin, (mine is prenatal -just because you never know! {wink})
fish oil,
B Complex,
Milk Thistle,
Elderberry, and
Vitamin D, (in the winter months only)
Jim also takes L Lysine, as he is prone to cold sores.
If we are sick or coming down with something we take Vitamin C (children included), rose hips, and echinacea. We take papaya enzymes for occasional stomach upset or heartburn.
Cadi takes a multivitamin and fish oil for children.
I know it is a lot. And for a long time I had no use for vitamins, but I have learned that on one paycheck, we cannot always get these vitamins and minerals in our food alone. After much research and a complete change in our eating and lifestyle, I am a huge proponent for supplements. I research, research, research first, and my doctor knows about all of these.
I also get into essential oils a little bit, thanks to my mom-in-law - especially thieves oil, but that is another whole post for another day. Are you interested, or should I skip that?
Do you or your family take supplements? What are they? Any that you know of that we are missing?? I love to learn!
And a favorite {for the moment} photo. This was taken at a quick shoot of our family's best friend's home/farm last Saturday. I was doing Christmas photos for them. This shot was just a test shot with my camera before the actual shoot, but I fell in love with it. I love how the lone chair led to a very artistic edit. I like when a photo feels like a work of art, but maybe this doesn't feel that way to you! {shrug}

I have been kind of a spastic blogger lately. Real life has been so worth the living! But I do miss the creative outlet. I would love to hear from any readers that I have about what you would enjoy me blogging about. Sometimes that is half the battle. That and finding a moment alone. {grin} But I love it. I love this crazy life. Until next time . . . . be blessed.