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Monday, November 9, 2009

.15 Months for a Moment.

My boy is fifteen months for a moment.

He is still not walking. This is fine by me, as I get to keep him a baby for a moment longer.

He is crawling and cruising, and he is very quick about it.


His favorite words are "Dada", "Mama", "Cadi" "Papa" (Grandpa), "football", "uh-oh", "Thank you", "kiss", "hi", "nana" (banana)"ga-dunk a dunk" (we haven't figured that one out!) and "night-night".

His voice is so sweet.

I delight in his words, his kisses, and his tender heart.

He is sensitive, but all boy - getting into everything! It only takes one sharp word from Mommy or Daddy to melt this boy into a sobbing Scotty heap. He lays his head on the floor and everything. And with that I am a pile of Mommy-mush. Oh, this dear boy, has my heart tightly in his fist.

Scotty finally has four teeth. His top teeth came in big and gapped. They are the cutest teeth I have ever seen! One smile slays me.

He got his first "shiner" last week. I think it hurt Mommy more than Scotty. He seems quite proud of his black and blue spot and little scrape. Oh dear, what am I in for?


He is a curious and smart little boy. Scotty is very talkative when he is comfortable around the people in the room. He tends to lean more towards my personality than Jim's.

He loves to eat, and is not a picky eater at all. Thank goodness. That does not go over well with this Mommy!

Scotty is a cuddler at night time. I love to tuck him in. He grabs his beloved blankie and stuffs his chubby little thumb in his mouth. And it melts me. Every. Time.


I know that I am so blessed to have been chosen to be Scotty's mommy. It is something that I think about everyday. Both of my children are such a blessing, and it is a privilege to spend my days at home, caring for their needs, kissing their boo-boos, training them up to be a godly man and a godly woman. There is nothing that I would rather be doing.
There is nothing this world could offer me that I would trade for these fleeting moments.

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