They do not complete me.

I do not find my identity in them.

They do not fulfill me.

I am not whole because of them.

They do not meet all of my expectations, nor do I expect them to.

They are not my life.

Jesus alone is my life, and He has given me an abundant life at that!
John 10:10 – "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full."
But there is no denying that they are the cherry on top of my abundant life. {grin}

And lovely cherries on top, that's for sure! You have such a beautiful family.
Cute!!! Wow, Scotty has SO much hair now!!! :) Love the post! :)
So true! God bless you and your cherries! :)
What a wonderful post!! Yes...Jesus should be our everything! Our #1 even above our own family!!
Thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving such a nice comment!! Love it!
And your kiddos are just ADORABLE!!
I am now a new follower! ;0
How totally cute are they? Ugh. Your girly girl is quite the ham huh? Cherry indeed, my friend!
Such power in your words.
They encouraged me tonight.
Wonderful reminder, conveyed powerfully. Thank you!
Well said! Beautiful words and photographs!
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